

Born: Kingston Blount, 7 Apr 1802

Married: James LOADER, 1821
Died: 24 July 1898, Pleasant Grove, Utah, USA


Aston Rowant, later near Salt Lake City, Utah.


Sandra DAWSON of Port Dover, Ontario, Canada, great-great-great-granddaughter of Amy BRITNELL.

related face

Frederick STOPS

Background information

Amy BRITNELL was born 7 April 1802 at Kingston Blount, Oxfordshire,  the daughter of  John BRITNELL and Sarah WITFORD. She married James LOADER of Aston Rowant in 1821. They had 13 children including my great grandmother Emma Loader STOPS.

James LOADER was the chief gardener for 35 years at the Lambert estate in Aston Rowant.  In about 1850 James and Amy converted to Mormon and were given one year to give it up or be asked to leave the estate. James and Amy retained their Mormon faith and left England with 9 of their children to become part of the handcart treks across the American prairie to the ‘great salt lake’ area. James died along the way and is buried on the prairie.

Amy and her children continued on the journey and eventually settled near what is now Salt Lake City. Amy died 24 July 1898 at Pleasant Grove, Utah. A book was written about the family and the hardships of the trip across the prairies. Amy BRITNELL was my 3 times great grandmother.